Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Paris Hilton Flash Back 2003

"People think of me as this party girl. But I'd rather stay at home with my dogs."

"People can believe what they want. The people I care about  know the real me."

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tis the Season for Holiday Hangovers!

Candy Cane Cocktail
1 candy cane, crushed, for garnish
2 ounces strawberry vodka
4 dashes white creme de menthe
2 1/2 ounces cranberry juice
Ice cubes

Place crushed candy canes on a small plate or saucer. Wet the outside rim of a chilled martini glass with water. Holding the glass by the stem, rotate the rim to coat with candy.
In a cocktail shaker, combine vodka, creme de menthe, cranberry juice, and ice; shake until well combined. Strain into prepared glass; serve immediately.


LA Girls TV Presents our Sponsor Betsey Johnson

Party Girls LA at Betsey Johnson

We spent Tuesday morning visiting our sponsor at the Betsey Johnson store, Fashion Square. An LA party girl always needs a new party dress and here's where you can find your perfect dress.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Think You Know Everything about Sex? Guess Again!

Did You Know?

...Having a headache is actually a good reason to have sex, whether with a partner or solo! Scientists have found that an orgasm is natural pain blocker, lessening your agony by up to 50%. So put the Nurofen back in the bathroom cabinet and gran your partner instead. Same goes for the period pains--if you don't feel like sex while you're on, grab your vibrator for some comfort sex, solo style.

...An orgasm maintains or even heightens a woman's sensitivity to touch. Which means that something that felt so-so--like intercourse--before you climaxed, might feel really really good afterwords.

...There are numerous documented cases of women climaxing during labour. Doctors say it's just basic science. By that, they mean a baby coming down a birth canals taking the exact same route that the penis does, only in reverse. Except a baby is even more likely to touch on those hard-to-reach spots, which is why it hurts like hell for most of us and feels like heaven for a lucky few. We love the way the female orgasm--while frustratingly elusive at times--is a powerful and mysterious force that is constantly surprising us.